The Stunning Plane that No One Really Trusts

During the 1960s, advanced military trainers evolved alongside complex fighter aircraft, demanding better pilot preparation. Amid the rush, a small German company named Rhein Flugzeugbau, RFB, embarked on an unconventional idea; they set out to build a jet that wasn’t a jet at all. The Fan Trainer was a military trainer pretending to be a fighter jet by replacing the actual engine with a ducted fan behind the cockpit - an approach that offered jet-like agility at a reduced operating cost. So RFB created a fighter jet like no other, one that has fascinated aviation enthusiasts for decades and is looking to make a comeback… --- Join Dark Skies as we explore the world of aviation with cinematic short documentaries featuring the biggest and fastest airplanes ever built, top-secret military projects, and classified missions with hidden untold true stories. Including US, German, and Soviet warplanes, along with aircraft developments that took place during World War I, World War 2, the Ko
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