Unveiling the Shadows: The Untold Story 2024-06-06

The input: The current conflict in Ukraine’s has caught attention of people all around the world. And as one of the habits we inherited and still widely use all the time in our life - is to pick sides. Western media immediately picked the side of Ukraine, even though during eight years that preceded the war Russia tried to mediate and resolve peacefully and diplomatically the dispute between those who organized and supported an illegal coup in Ukraine in 2014 and those breakaway republics that decided not to join this new state that has openly chose to pledge full allegiance to European Union and United States with its values and its Anti-Russian stance. After failing to invoke a strong protest movement in Russia in 2012, the collective western political elite opted to go for prolonged media campaign with news agency inside and outside of Russia. The goal of western elites has been to bring Russia into full submission by humiliating it economically with sanctions, politically or militarily. That, in their mind, would be sufficient enough to easily replace current government with a puppet one, that would if need blackmail China, thus asserting its full geopolitical and economic dominance in the world, disregarding the prosperity of the said world. This is how the megalomaniac part of the Western elite that suffers from delusions of grandeur is reasoning now, believing that just a little more nagging with that same old, skewed and hypocritical moral narrative of how bad Russia is and just another month on the battlefield and maybe Russia will crumble and quit defending the breakaway republics of Donetsk. Even though those eastern regions of Ukraine with predominantly Russian speaking population, has proven the known Russian spirit and soul spending 9 years now of not submitting under constant shelling and deprivation. In this light, the likelihood that Ukraine will crumble is higher. With its lost population, as if its whole essence of it is to be Anti-Russia - hence the total ban Russian language and severing economic ties with it that doomed the prosperity, peaceful life and demographic dividend for its people, to a point where being in such limbo state of existence in the middle between West and East, people feel miserable enough to go and fight for two years despite suffering heavy casualties. And with the government that is basically representing more of an usurping Gang with its view on the future of their land to be spent in constant struggle against Russia until some mythical victory, while during prior eight years claiming to follow Minsk Agreements only to then make an aggressive and unyielding claim of joining NATO alliance which would allow to pour its forces into Ukraine which is long since hostile to Russia, undermining established centuries old security in the region. Also with the help of their circus, full of fake propaganda news agencies grasping onto any media victory it can find or forge, and the boundless mobilization-kidnapping, the current regime in Ukraine now mostly relies only on external help in the form of the scrawny, bony Western hand, which in turn relies on its Neo-colonial status in the world, risking and gambling the stability of the current economic hierarchy that hangs in suspense, due to all the political interference in business in recent decade and previous ones, in an attempt to establish a new global ideology, aimed primarily at controlling savings, minds of people and agendas. However clumsily failing to conjure up social, infrastructural and educational vision of the future of humanity, with all the diversity in approaches to realizing this vision in unequal locally unique conditions in different parts of the planet, and instead opting to stubbornly treading towards this totalitarian regime for the whole Earth with puppets being put everywhere. This leaves a trail of costly negligence behind wasting precious time by not focusing on finding ways, funding and means to alleviate unnecessary suffering in the world instead of mainly for some illusory absolute control.
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