«Укрепление иммунитета и легких методами Цигун“ профессор Сюй Минтан.

✔️ MEDITATION AND HEALING with the methods of Qigong and Image-Medicine. In the video Master Xu Mingtang reads some mantras. Mantra “MING” means “The Light”, and during the meditation you have to imagine and feel the white energy coming into your body through the top of the head and filling your body, chest, lungs with bright white light. You can pronounce the mantra yourself, “listen and pronounce the mantra inside your chest and lungs”. Mantra “HUA” means “to melt” or “to dissolve” and it is used to affect the phlegm, toxins and the cold inside the lungs. The effect of the mantra can be compared to the melting of the snow and ice under the sunshine. If you want to, you can repeat the practice once or twice a day, or to practice for two hours on end. If you have no feelings in the lungs during practice – it is absolutely normal and this could mean that the energy of your lungs is all right. ✔️What will you feel? After participating in meditation and healling practice with Master these people did feel ho
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