My FAVOURITE Psyker loadout! Is it the best? | Warhammer 40K: Darktide | Damnation | (No Commentary)

Shock Troop Gauntlet, Damnation gameplay using the Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff and Catachan Mk III Combat Blade. This is my favourite loadout to use as a Psyker, especially coming from Vermintide II as a Sienna main. Its hard to say what the best is for a Psyker, as the Surge Staff is easily a contender for the best staff and the Force Swords are very strong. So it isn’t as cut and dry as it is in some cases for the Veteran. The Purgatus Staff has a few bonus perks that may go un-noticed, such as its ability to proc the Kinetic Flayer feat guaranteeing brain burst’s for free every 15 seconds, its ability to consistently block Pox Hounds from lunging at you or team mates and its amazing suppression potential. It can delivery consistent and continuous damage whilst stopping damage coming at you, making it one of the most versatile weapons. You can compensate for its lack of range with Brain Burst when needed. The Catachan Combat Blade is so useful for personal mobility an
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