Zimbabwe3000 & Ghost Ride Ensemble — ANNABELLE (SADDLE SESSIONS) [LIVE STUDIO] #darkjazz #doomjazz

LAST NIGHT WAS SUFFOCATED YES, HERE WE GO AGAIN WE LAUGHING SO HARD WHEN NO ONE’S LAUGHING AT ALL MUSIC FOR LISTENING SILENCE TO IT’S SO AMAZING BUT NOT FOR EVERYONE SOME KIND OF PRAYER SOME KIND OF MEDITATION SOME KIND OF RITUAL SOME KIND OF LOVESONG FOR OR BY THE DEMON WE GONNA EAT YOUR HEART OUT GAZING THE LIGHTS MELTING YOUR SOULS DID YOU MISS ME IT’S ALL ALREADY HAPPENED SEE YOU IN A DREAM LOVE LOVE LOVE DOWN DOWN DOWN ANNABELLE ANNABELLE ANNABELLE Perfect combination of love, sex, obsession, magic, transfixation, dreams, life, death, truth and nonsense, darkness and lights, nightmare and deep relaxation, tense, the other side, chaos, black and white, colors and sounds. Form is changing, the madness remains. A pill for the clear mind, a pillow for the twisted one. - Zimbabwe3000 about this free-improv dark-jazz/doom-jazz music session, that was made with zero rehearsal and preparations Not very important comment: In the beginning we can hear strong influence
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