Nova Scotia Health’s Newcomer Health Clinic

Nova Scotia Health’s Newcomer Health Clinic is the recipient of the 3M Health Care Quality Team Award (Within an Organization). The Newcomer Health Clinic (NHC) began with physicians working with donated resources and space. Through partnership with Nova Scotia Health (NS Health), and the application of the internationally recognized Primary Care Amplification model, NHC developed a unique model to support refugee health across Nova Scotia, which was published in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2018). NHC received the inaugural (2020) Making Waves: Outstanding Contribution Award from NS Health, recognizing exemplary efforts and contributions advancing the vision, mission, values and strategic directions of NS Health. The 3M Health Care Quality Team Awards recognizes innovation, quality, patient & family engagement, and teamwork. 3M Canada Company encourages institutions and healthcare providers to embrace quality management by developing innovative approaches that
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