Boy Wonder (1961)

Highams Park, Essex. Various shots of seven-year-old Stephen Warboys skating around an outdoor roller skating rink in roller boots; his parents sit watching on a stripy sun lounger. Stephen does a small jump, skates backwards and comes to a halt - ta-da! Fade into M/S of Stephen getting on a bicycle; his father starts him off with a stopwatch, and we see the boy cycling round the concrete cycling track. Commentator informs us Stephen’s father built the track for him around their tennis court; he also built the skating rink. M/S as Stephen gets off his bike and joins his father on the tennis court; various shots of the two playing tennis, including high angle L/S of the play. Note: print used for telecine transfer is quite badly scratched; neg is cut and impossible to synch up. On file is correspondence from Stephen’s father, Jack Warboys detailing the boy’s sporting achievements to date. Jack was also quite a sportsman, playing at Wimbledon four times and at the time of this film held the Vete
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