The Beautiful Rose Flower Scentimental is in a Stripe

The Beautiful Rose Flower Scentimental is in a Stripe. Scentimental Rose Flower - Scentimental’ is a breathtakingly beautiful striped rose. It is a big size flower that really looks good. You must keep Scentimental rose plant in your garden. Red blend Floribunda. Registration name: WEKplapep Exhibition name: Scentimental ™ Bred by Tom Carruth (United States, before 1996). Introduced in United States by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. in 1997 as ’Scentimental’. It is Red, white to 36 petals. Average diameter “. Large, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form. Rose plant can be grown in a well drained soil. Do not give much water to the soil. Check the inner layer of the soil with your hand, if you find dry pour some water. You can spray water regularly to the plant, the small amount of water that will drop on the soil is good for the plant. Feed them properly a
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