3D Car Crash Animation: Seatbelts save lives - Hochschule Ansbach

3D car crash: latest Version @ Vimeo “Seatbelts save lives“ shows destruction easthetically and refers to a everyday problem in a very dramatic way as there are still many people who don’t buckle up when driving. The 3D Animation has been created in the course of a term project within my study focus 3D Graphics at the University of Applied Sciences in Ansbach. Focus of the project was destruction of one or more objects with no restricitions on type and scope. However, pointless destruction made no sense to me. I wanted to transport a message with the topic desctruction, to remind people and get their attention... After much thought and some back and forth I decided on a crash test. Many hours of research brought not only the endless deformations to light but as well as the forces that are acting on the vehicle passengers in an accident. Tests have shown that modern cars offer great protection and that especially the seatbealts in many cases de
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