78th Annual Trades Union Congress opens at Brighton (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit 800 delegates attend the 78th Trades Union Congress at Brighton Dome Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Trade Union Congress Opens at Brighton ENGLAND: Southeast: Brighton: Brighton Dome: EXT BRIGHTON. 78th Trades Union Congress opened in Brighton. Shots of Mr Will Lawther and Alderman Halstead two of the miner’s representatives. Meeting-place was the Dome. President of the Gen. Council was Mr Charles Dukes CITRONE Sir Walter. Makes speech at the 78th Trades Union Congress at The Dome, Brighton Mr Charles Dukes Chairman of the General Council of Trades Unions HALSTEAD (ALDERMAN) Represents the miners at the 78th Trades Union Congress at the Dome, Brighton Mr WILL LEATHER Represents the miners at the 78th Trades Union Congress at the Dome, Brighton TRADE UNIONS 78th Trade Union Congress opens at Brighton. Shots of
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