After an eon of inactivity, here I am back with a full-fledged movie, made possible because my friend Diana inspired me to make a short CS:GO movie in spring 2020. Sparkles launched his competition shortly after, skyrocketing my motivation.
I learned hand-drawn animation in a couple of months, which proved arduous but, as it turned out, possible! Overall, this was a challenging movie to put together. Issues were encountered, mistakes were made, my sleep was affected, but in the end, I am satisfied with the result.
Big warm thanks to all the people who supported me and provided me with feedback ♥. Thanks to Diana () for the killfeed idea, the inspiration for certain visual choices, and of course, the everlasting support ♥.
(Back in 2012, I had started a COD4 movie project featuring phantasy. However, this project was 10x more ambitious than any I had done. And given my propensity for laziness, I quickly lost motivation and ended up leaving it in the dust.)