Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
1880 - 1900
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
1880 - 1900
Impromptu in F, , No.1 by Anton Rubinstein
Here I present an album of photographs of the great Volga port of Saratov. The city was founded as a fortress to protect the southern borders of the Russian state in 1590, during the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich on the site of a medieval Golden Horde settlement.
By the 1800s, Saratov had grown to become an important shipping port on the Volga. The Ryazan-Ural Railroad reached Saratov in 1870.
In 1896 the line crossed the Volga and continued its eastward expansion. A unique train-ferry, owned by the Ryazan-Ural railroad, provided the connection across the river between the two parts of the railroad for 39 years, before the construction of a railway bridge in 1935.......
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