I spent considerable time in Shifa hospital during my years in Gaza, particulalry during the 2009 Israeli massacre of Gaza, and

I spent considerable time in Shifa hospital during my years in Gaza, particulalry during the 2009 Israeli massacre of Gaza, and did NOT see Hamas gunmen patrolling the hospital, as Zionist propaganda claims. Instead, what I saw were heroic Palestinian medical staff treating horrific injuries inflicted on Palestinians by Israeli airstrikes, tank shelling, gunfire, sniper fire, White Phosphorous on civilian areas... @EvaKareneBartlett:9/shifa-hospital-too-critical:d?r=J16kGcpKyg8S3yj2H33rVZP2ZCRUBKYK&lid=ce33a0a4910ada76a21dffe25319f136eb6e96f6 @EvaKareneBartlett:9/shifa-hospital-brain-matter-out:3?r=J16kGcpKyg8S3yj2H33rVZP2ZCRUBKYK&lid=ce33a0a4910ada76a21dffe25319f136eb6e96f6 Источник: Reality Theories, Eva K Bartlett
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