Review of the year -1946 (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Review for the year 1946 including Sports / Political figures / Writer George Bernard Shaw / Royalty / Remembrance Day / United Nations meetings / Factory workers making goods for export / ’Britain Can Make It’ exhibition / Motor Jubilee Parade / New British jet planes / US Army Dakota plane crash landing in Alps / First Royal Command film performance of ’A Matter of Life and Death’ / Appointment of 32 cardinals / Various international relations / Bikini atom bomb / Nuremberg Trials / Victory Parade day. Full Description: Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother at helm of ocean liner RMS Queen Elizabeth / Factory workers making goods / British-made goods loaded at docks for export / ’Britain Can Make It’ exhibition / Motor Jubilee Parade / British jet planes / US Army Dakota plane crash landing in Alps, crew rescued / London’s first Royal Command film peformance (of Pow
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