Capoeira Fight Marcus Aurelio Contra-Mestre Barrãozinho
Very nice compilation of cool videos of Contra-Mestre Barrãozinho, Grupo Axé Capoeira.
Marcus Aurelio is a son of famous capoeira Mestre Barrão. He has over 24 years of capoeira experience, including 15 years as an instructor. CM Barrãozinho has traveled to over 20 countries performing, competing, teaching and helping establishing capoeira schools. He won several capoeira competitions (1998, 2001, 2005).
As an MMA professional Marcus currently holds a record of 6 - 2 including a 43 second flying s
5 months ago 00:00:11 1
Ai fighter is this.i think tiger movie fighter both who gues this fighter#martialarts
6 months ago 00:00:07 1
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7 months ago 00:09:30 1
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