SD Media Player, File Browser and Viewer with STM32 and ST7735 LCD

Features: - SD file browser with one button - Short click for next file/switch stat mode - Long click to show file or exit the viewer - Semi-transparent progress bar - Long file names (up to 22 characters fit on the screen) and file size displayed - RAW 160x128 video files supported @ 41fps - BMP pictures in 24-bit and 8/4-bit with palette - basic text files viewer JPEG support: Parts: - cheap “bluepill“ STM32 ($) - 160x128 ST7735 LCD ($) - SD card Comments: - SD uses faster STM32 SPI1 interface which supports 36 Mbps - SPI1 is shared between LCD and SD card - Not all SD cards work at 36Mbps - Fast card at 36Mbps gives 41fps for 160x128 video - SdFat library uses DMA for SPI transfer - Big buffer in RAM is used to speed up SPI/DMA transfer - Requires SdFat, Arduino_ST7735_STM and RREFont libraries and stm32duino - If you don’t want to play with IDEs bin ready to flash is available too - Use ffmpeg to convert any video, example syntax: “ -i ““ -an
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