This is the best bang for your buck when it comes to bodyweight exercises for the shoulders and upper back. It can also be a great warm-up for the shoulders while stretching the pecs. And it fires up the small upper back muscles we tend to neglect during heavy rowing exercises.
There’s no way you can cheat this move or use momentum to your advantage, something that you often see when people do weighted back exercises like rows and pulldowns.
1. Start in a prone position by laying on your stomach with your hands behind your lower back (like you’re being handcuffed).
2. Extend your arms out straight by hinging at the elbow and begin to bring your arms to a Y position. Keep them locked and keep your thumbs turned up toward the ceiling.
3. From there, do the same motion coming back, trying to make as big of a circle as you can coming around, and return to your starting position with your hands placed behind your lower back.
4. You’re then going to retract your shoulder blades. While keeping your hands o
4 months ago 00:04:56 1
PLOYY : A CUTE NET IDOL ARRESTED !! (เน็ตไอดอลสาวนักฟอกเงินพันล้านเกมคาบ้านพัก)
4 months ago 00:45:55 1
Full DVD (Handcuffing) Fast Action Control Techniques by George Vranos