#Healing #Manifestation #Lupus I had some extra time due to schedule changes from the the State/Nation wide quaratine rules. So I decided to make this video: How to manifest healing! This is a very short chat about simple techniques that worked for me and changed my life 100% for the better. I wish I would have done these things a decade prior 😂 but- I have learned alot through the journey. Don’t wait, start now... you do not have to be in pain, tired, or sick. The impersonal subjective field of Consciousness (Universal Mind) that surrounds you, is always responding to your energy, the concept you hold of yourself, your words and where you’re putting your attention- and your subconscious mind is a direct link. Simple changes can create huge results! * It’s important to acknowledge emotions and not suppress self expression. 💗I know it sounds crazy or too simple to work- but after over a DECADE of constant treatments, flare-ups from SLE & dealing with
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