General De Gaulle Tours After Victory (1958)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Konakry, Guinea, Africa Aerial view, short shot of Guinea. Various shots showing Government chief and his cabinet at a meeting following Guinea saying “No“ to an association with France in the recent French referendum. Constantine, Algeria High shot of huge crowds in the Place de la Breche listening to the French Prime Minister, General Charles De Gaulle after the Algerian decision to stay associated with France. LS Crowds clapping. Various shots of General de Gaulle on balcony making speech, good cut-in shots of crowd listening and applauding. LS De Gaulle in Citroen waving to crowds. Corsica, France MS De Gaulle walking through crowds of people, shaking hands. Various good shots of crowds clamouring to see de Gaulle and waving and taking photographs. High shot, pan across vast crowd of 50,000. Crowds. Various shots de Gaulle making speech and driving past crowds in car. Note: Date on original record: 08/10/1958
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