Elite Pico Newgrounds Rumble Character Reveal

#pico #flipnote #newgrounds Explanation: Tom Fulp once said that Pico is a character that is meant to represent the userbase, though I would venture to guess he only means the good users of newgrounds, the ones that are super creative and like to collaborate with others. If that´s the case then this Pico is meant to represent the other side of the userbase, the edgy troll users that are in the site only seeking personal satisfaction. This is my own take of the dark side of newgrounds that also inspired the creation of Buttchamber. Plot: After a certain incident Pico relinquished all conservative insticts and now enhanced with stolen tankman technology has become a wicked destruction machine. Gameplay: As a playable character I picture him with similar features as pico but with certain tweaks in his speed and power. If pico was a speedy acrobatic character like fox or falco from super smash bros then elite pico would be more like wolf, a bit slower and heavier but it has a lot more power
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