iceface tuned piano (Microtonal Lucid Fairytale) by Hidekazu Wakabayashi 微分音・明晰夢
Iceface Tuned Piano (Microtonal Lucid Fairytale) English Japanese ver. 微分音・冰面調鋼琴
アイスフェイス・チューンド・ピアノ 英語 日本語版
concept and music by Hidekazu Wakabayashi
photo by Maria Castro
special thanks to Nancy Tyler
photo copyright © 2013 Maria Castro
You might think it’s odd, but I’ve decided that I should share this microtonal lucid fairy tale, “iceface tuned piano“ with the world. Please have a listen, try it yourself, and share it with any musician friends you might have. I will explain how to play with this Ic