This one is a bit more serious than my Karkalicious lofi videos, and I wanted to give it a more nostalgic vibe. Homestuck, and more importantly the Homestuck fandom, has been a big part of my life and I have been lucky enough to make so many awesome friends through it.
Soundcloud -
Original beat is “Sorry“ by prod. riddiman -
Art is by Peach-n-key
NOSTALGIC HOMESTUCK CLIPS USED IN THIS VIDEO IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE - (Tell me in the comments how many of these you remember!)
Don’t read a webcomic called homestuck (audio) - by Octopimp
Lullaby for Gods - by Subugu
[S] Rex Duodecim Ang
...elus - by Christian Floyd
Mambostuck - by Toastyglow
Quiet - Video by Vatta, Lyricstuck by sircuddlebuns
After Us - by ToastyglowShow more