Germany now! Reutlingen is closing! In Europe, people hide in tunnels from hailstorm!

Hailstones, the size of golf balls, pummeled the city, causing extensive damage to properties and vehicles. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to aid stranded residents and assess the full extent of the disaster. Local authorities have issued urgent warnings, urging citizens to seek higher ground and stay indoors for their safety. Emergency shelters have been set up to provide refuge to those affected by the unprecedented natural calamity. The flood and hailstorm have disrupted transportation, with major roads and railways rendered impassable. Residents are advised to avoid travel until the situation stabilizes. As the community reels from the impact of this dual disaster, local officials are collaborating with regional and national agencies to coordinate relief efforts and restore normalcy. Our thoughts go out to the people of Reutlingen as they navigate this difficult time. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as the story develops.
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