The most intense year so far - Bear Again Stories - 2021 yearly review

This is how things look like on the frontline of brown bear conservation in Romania. Our project has successfully rehabilitated and released into the wild around 200 orphan bears cubs so far, and this year was the most intense in our 18 years of activity. This year we managed to take into our care 31 orphan bear cubs. We believe that the increase in orphaned bear cubs is the result of a complex problem that has many factors, but is a clear indication that the quality of their natural habitat is decreasing rapidly, due to human presence and expansion, through logging, tourism, developing infrastructure and bad waste management, just to name a few. The soft winter we had this year is also an important factor. Due to higher than normal temperatures and low snow levels, human presence and activities in bear habitats continued throughout winter, this leading to a higher cub abandonment by mother bears in the denning period.
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