What is happening NOW? Part 2

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - What is happening NOW? The Alliance consists of groups of people and Military in all countries who are arresting and giving military tribunals to the criminals who have been running every country in the world. The criminals who are in top command have almost all been arrested. There are still many left that are causing havoc, but they will soon be stopped. The officials in the Medical and Pharmaceutical companies are being put under arrest and their evil ways being stopped. They have stopped the development of many healing technologies and even killed many to stop the development of their technologies. One of the technologies they have stopped over the years is frequency healing. For example, I am using a frequency device now that is about the size of a cell phone. I have been keeping it on me 24 hours a day for over a year and so far I have been healed of high blood pressure. My pressure was 190/90 when I started, now it nev
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