棧板昇降輸送自動化系統 冠睿機械有限公司GUAN RUEI MACHINERY CO.,LTD

冠睿機械有限公司 專營自動化物流整廠設備,鋁擠型框架,機械鋼構,從設備規劃,設計,製造,安裝一條龍作業,我們擁有豐富的經驗及良好的客戶服務,可滿足各種不同產業需求! 聯絡資訊 04 2335 9648#11 wlw0001@ 也可至冠睿機械的FB查看我們最新的動態,如有任何疑問都可到我們粉絲專頁留言喔!! 冠睿機械有限公司-560437777768834/?ref=page_internal GUAN RUEI MACHINERY CO.,LTD Specializing in automated logistics plant equipment. On aluminum extrusion frame, mechanical steel structure. One-stop operation from equipment planning, design, manufacturing planning and installation. We have rich experience and good customer service to meet the needs of various industries! Contact Information T-04 2335 9648#11 F-04 2335 8420 M-wlw0001@ You can also go to GUAN RUEI’s FB to check our latest news. If you have any questions, you can also leave a message on our fan page!! 冠睿機械有限公司-560437777768834/?ref=page_internal
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