Open Golf - Bradshaw Unlucky To Lose (1949)

Full title reads: “Open Golf - Bradshaw Unlucky To Lose“. Sandwich and Deal Golf Course, Kent. Play off of British golf Open. MV Pan to back view of A D ’Bobby’ Locke and Harry Bradshaw walking out. LV Crowd. LV Bradshaw drives off. Locke walks into picture. LV Gallery walking towards green. LV Bradshaw chips onto green and he walks on to green and gallery follows. SV Locke putting pan to ball. SV Bradshaw putting pan to ball. LV gallery walking towards next green. LV Bradshaw putting. SV Locke putts and sinks. SV Bradshaw putts pan to ball. Walking shot of Bradshaw and Locke. LV Bradshaw putts at last hole, bends down and picks up ball. Locke comes forward to take his stroke. He sinks it and bends down and picks up ball. Players take off caps and shake hands. CU Bradshaw pan to Locke. SV Gallery applauding. MV Locke is presented with cup. CU Side view Locke holding up Cup. He sits down. Special Reel for Dublin. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OU
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