He just DESTROYED the WEF Great Reset Plan!

Get Controligarchs NOW! =sr_1_1 Stephen Gardner interview with Seamus Bruner on how people like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell and more have used their wealth and government influence to ruin the world and control your life. Klaus Schwab announces NEW WEF Plan To Control Your Life! Keywords in this video: Bill Gates, Clintons, Billionaires, Control, Spending habits, Freedom, Experimentation, Alex Jones, Sheamus Bruner, Control lears, Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schwitzer, Follow the money, Nonpartisan, Nonprofit, Think tank, Clinton Foundation, Charity, 990 IRS filings, Clinton investigation, Bush, Jeb Bush, Biden, Ukraine money, Barisma, China, FBI, DOJ, Corruption, Compromised, Money and politics, James Comey, Lock Martin, Robert Mueller, Private Equity deal, Bank of China, Control archs, Davos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Pandemic, Elites, Trillions of dollars, Personal net worth, Meta, Lockdown, Information control, Google, Facebook, Censorship, Propaganda, Mainstream media, Digital ID, Central Bank digital currencies, China, Social credit score, Artificial intelligence, Job losses, Universal basic income.
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