Time To Remember - Over By Christmas 1914 - Record F - Reel 2 (1914)

Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 2. Continued. 01:16:01 Russian troops on the move. Russian war leaders - including Duke Nicholas - talking. 01:16:16 Shots of Austrian Prisoners of War behind Russian lines. One POW stands by table with Russian officers. 01:16:45 A ship of the United States navy steam out of harbour. Closer shot showing steam coming out of the funnels of American warship. The Stars and Stripes flag flutters from below the crows nest. 01:17:01 C/U American President Woodrow Wilson in office. Dissolves to shot of Stars and Stripes. 01:17:14 Garden party scenes in England. There are one or two men in uniform but most are dressed in a thoroughly upper class manner. Field guns and troops in position at the Oval Cricket ground. 01:17:34 Ruins of street in battle torn Belgium. Various shots of refugees leaving Belgium. Belgian cavalry retreating along crowd lined road. 01:18:04 German tro
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