Fleetwood Mac Stevie Nicks Rhiannon’s Supernatural Origins

One of my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs is Rhiannon, and I never realized that it was inspired by a Supernatural Novel. The song was written by Stevie Nicks and according to her, the inspiration for the song came from a 1970’s supernatural novel by Mary Bartlett Leader. In the early years of Fleetwood Mac Stevie would often write music with her partner at the time Lindsey Buckinham, this was not the case with Rhiannon. She said the meaning of the song was about a mystical woman who found it hard to be tied down. In a radio interview Nicks said that the band got really well was the uplifting of the wings kind of feel. You know when you see a seagull and she’s lifting up? Well that’s Rhiannon. She’s moving. Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night Nick sings. And wouldn’t you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover. The lyrics continue, saying that this character “rules her life like a bird in flight.” This could be in
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