It was the best of times, an age of foolishness

But we would do it all over again in a heart beat.... Connect with us: ๐Ÿ”— Website: ๐Ÿ”— Facebook: ๐Ÿ”— Instagram: ๐Ÿ”— Twitter: ๐Ÿ”— Nine Line Foundation: Behind The Brand: Talk is cheap. Many brandsโ€™ virtue signal, talk about setting the example, being a voice for good, but never follow through. Since 2012 the quiet professionals at Nine Line have put their time, money, and energy behind initiatives to set the example for our children to follow and have led from the front in the fight for the American way of life. In the military, the term Nine Line is a distress call. It is often the difference between life and death and symbolizes the trust our servicemen and women have for one another. As a company, we aim to offer our customers a platform to spend their hard-earned money on apparel that reflects their values and give them the chance to wear their beliefs on their sleeves. As a lifestyle brand, Nine Line aims to reinvigorate a sense of patriotism and pride in our country that has eroded within our society. At its core, Nine Line is a give-back organization, striving to give back to the military and first responder communities that fought and died for our freedoms. From first responders and military non-profits to disaster relief initiatives, Nine Line is committed to the ongoing support of charitable initiatives that better the communities they serve. Additionally, Nine Line remains committed to the notion that if we need it here, we should make it here. Since its inception, Nine Line has remained committed to these three main tenets and will encourage others to ANSWER THE CALL in their own way. #ninelineapparel
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