In this video, I’m brainstorming ideas for a new song. Some of this improvisation will make it into my next creation.
It’s an honest process of searching for solo phrases. Ten minutes later, I recorded the song with live looping technique, which I’ll release in a new country.
There’s so much content overall that I don’t know when I’ll manage to implement it al...
I need an assistant’s help 👽
After all, I’m simultaneously gearing up to launch my gigantic business startup soon 🐙
Better with 🎧 headphones.
Used here:
Ibanez custom RG
DiMarzio pickups (Neck: Air Norton \ Bridge: The
...Tone Zone )
ErnieBall 11-56 strings
Line 6 Helix Native guitar tone
York Audio Impulse Response
(& IR loader Libra by STL tones)
Reaper DAW
Focusrite Scarlet 3 Gen 2i2 Audio Device
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