Руководство по ControlNet от нуля до героя: Stable Diffusion веб-интерфейса Diffusion | Полное руководство по функциям

I show how to install Automatic1111 Web UI & ControlNet extension installation from scratch in this video. Moreover I show how to make amazing QR codes and inpainting and out painting of ControlNet which are very similar to Photoshop generative fill and Midjourney zoom out. Furthermore, I explain and show what are Canny, Depth, Normal, OpenPose, MLSD, Lineart, SoftEdge, Scribble, Seg, Shuffle, Tile, Inpaint, IP2P, Reference, T2IA features of ControlNet. Source GitHub Readme File ⤵️ Our Discord server ⤵️ If I have been of assistance to you and you would like to show your support for my work, please consider becoming a patron on 🥰 ⤵️ Playlist of StableDiffusion Tutorials, Automatic1111 and Google Colab Guides, DreamBooth,
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