Alphaville - Big in japan

Information: Alphaville is a German synthpop group which gained popularity in the 1980s. The founding members were Marian Gold (real name Hartwig Schierbaum, born 26 May 1954 in Herford, North Rhine-Westphalia), Bernhard Lloyd (real name Bernhard Gößling, born 6 June 1960 in Enger, North Rhine-Westphalia), and Frank Mertens (real name Frank Sorgatz, born 26 October 1961 in Enger, North Rhine-Westphalia). The band was at first named Forever Young before changing to Alphaville. They are best known for their two biggest hits, “Big in Japan“ and “Forever Young“. As of 1984, they had sold over 80 million albums. Most albums were sold in South America and Europe. “I do not own this song! All credits go to Alphaville !“ Look at my Channel for more Retro Music and other Music !
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