Best IoT Project 🔥🔥 using ESP32 and Sensor with Fan Dimmer | Alexa Google Home Automation 2022
In this ESP32 tutorial, I have explained how to make the best IoT Project using ESP32 and DHT11 sensor with fan dimmer to control appliances from ESP RainMaker, Google Assistant, Alexa, IR Remote, and manual switch. I have used all the FREE tools for this IoT-based home automation system.
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During the internet of things tutorial video, I covered the following topics:
00:48 Control relays with Google Assistant and Alexa using ESP32.
01:06 Control ceiling fan speed with voice command.
01:25 Control lights fan manually with IR remote and switches.
04:12 Required components for the IoT projects.
04:19 Circuit diagram of ESP32 IoT project.
06:03 Source codes for the IoT Project using ESP Rainmaker.
07:40 Update WiFi details through OTA with the Rainmaker app.
08:42 Add IoT devices in Amazon Alexa App.
09:08 Add IoT devices to the Google Home app.
Required Components (without PCB) for the ESP32 project.
2. 8-channel 5V SPDT Relay Module
3. TSOP1838 IR receiver (with metallic casing)
4. DHT11 temperature sensor
5. Switches
6. 4-step Fan regulator
( & 250V Capacitor, 1/2W Resistors, 220k 1/4W Resistors, and 4-step selector switch)
For the PCB, I have shared the complete component list during the video.
Amazon India Affiliate links:
8-channel 5V Relay Module:
Echo Dot Alexa(4th Gen):
Amazon United States Affiliate links:
8-channel 5V Relay Module:
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Download the Code for the ESP32 IoT project with ESP Rainmaker:
Download the PCB Gerber File of the ESP32 IoT Project:
Important points:
1. You don’t need any Amazon echo device for this IoT Project.
2. You need to install ESP Rainmaker, Google Home, and Amazon Alexa apps on mobile.
3. You can control relays from any WiFi network if ESP32 is connected to WiFi.
4. Update the Preference URLs to install the ESP32 board version as shown in the video.
5. Before scanning the QR code, press and hold the ESP32 BOOT button for 4 seconds, then scan the QR code.
6. IR receiver sensor must have a metallic casing. Otherwise, you may face issues while trying to get the Hex code.
7. In the 4-step regulator step-2 & 3 must be internally connected.
8. Please watch the complete video, otherwise you may face some issues.
**Please take proper safety precautions while working with high voltages.
Previous Video links:
Previous ESP32 Project:
Get the HEX codes from IR remote:
During the internet of things tutorial video, I explained all the steps to make this IoT-based project, and how to connect ESP Rainmaker with Google Home and Amazon Alexa app.
As I have used capacitive reactance for the fan dimmer circuit, so you will not get any humming sound while controlling the fan speed.
You can control the lights and fan speed without internet from the IR remote & switches. ESP32 will automatically connect with the IoT cloud when the internet comes back.
You can also add timer in the ESP Rainmaker app to control the relays automatically.
If the ESP32 is connected to Wi-Fi, then you can control the relays from anywhere in the world with Alexa and Google Assistant. And you can also monitor the real-time feedback and sensor reading in the Amazon Alexa and Google Home IoT applications. So with this smart house project, you can convert any appliance to IoT devices and control them through the internet.
So, now you can just ask Google Assistant, “Hey Google, turn off lights“, or “Alexa, turn on light“. that’s it.
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Each demonstration presents risks and hazards that must be fully understood before attempting.
And should be performed only by professionals
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