Numbers Counting to 100 & 1000 | Math for 1st Grade | Kids Academy

Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kids’ learning app that makes real learning truly fun. Try Kids Academy with 3-day FREE TRIAL! When teaching math, number sense is critical for success. Having “number sense” means that students have certain skills that allow them to work successfully with numbers. One of these critical skills is understanding quantity. This understanding begins with the ability to count numbers. Counting to 100 is a goal for most students working on Kindergarten level math. Counting for 1st grade includes counting to 1000 or beyond. When students recognize and understand the pattern when they count numbers, the sky is the limit! Kids Academy provides engaging and instructional videos for students that teach about number patterns when counting. Videos include fun clips with singing and dancing numbers as well as instructional videos with experienced teachers demonstrating number concepts with worksheets. Diff
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