GOING HOME, Hope Sandoval’s early duo w. Sylvia Gomez, studio demos, 1985 or 1986, 7 songs

This is Hope Sandoval’s early duo she had with Sylvia Gomez in the 1980s before Hope went on to join Opal,&later Mazzy Star. Song Listing: 1. Give You My Lovin’, starts at / 2. [Love], / 3. Where Did You Go, 5:33 / 4. [Till I Die], 8:08 / 5. Dying, 9:24 / 6. Scarecrow, 12:12 / 7. Come Down, 16:13 Titles in brackets are uncertain. [Update Nov. 1, 2020: Mazzy Star played track 3 “Where Did You Go“ [previously known as “Where Did You Run To“] live on their 1990 tour. A 1990 set list used on stage at Columbia, S.C. lists its title as “Where Did You Go,“ so we now know its correct title. [Update Sept. 6, 2021]: In the book “Tell Me When It’s Over, Notes From The Paisley Underground,“ edited by Clive Jones is reprinted a 1987 article from Heartbeat mag by Nigel Cross on Going Home. The journalist got to hear the Going Home studio recording and ID-ed some correct titles: “Scarecrow“ & “Coming Down“
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