πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ In the Ringerike prison, where Anders Breivik has been held for the past two years

πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ In the Ringerike prison, where Anders Breivik has been held for the past two years, a trial will begin on January 8 based on his complaint about the cruel conditions of detention. This is the second complaint by Breivik, who believes that solitary confinement, during which he is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with anyone except lawyers and prison staff, violates his rights and causes him mental trauma. The terrorist believes that after twelve years of such isolation, he has the right to soften the conditions of detention, which would allow him to communicate with other people. The administration of the Ringerike prison showed the conditions in which Breivik is kept. This is a two-story building with a kitchen, a gym, a TV room, a yard for walks and sports. Breivik was allowed to have three parrots and use the prison library. He is the only prisoner in Norway who is in complete isolation. According to the law, he has the same conditions as other prisoners. In 2011, Anders Breivik detonated a bomb in Oslo’s government quarter, killing eight people. After that, he got to the youth camp at Fr. Utoya near Oslo and killed 69 people there. For which he received the maximum term of imprisonment in Norway - 21 years, but with the condition that after serving this term, the court will decide whether Breivik can be released. It is believed that Breivik will be in prison for life. This is the first such case in Norwegian history. Subscribe πŸ‘‰ Real Breaking News
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