15 Rules The Royal Staff Has To Follow

Working for the Royal family may sound like a dream job to some. Getting to live and eat at the palace for free and being in close proximity to the royal family, sounds like a good time. And it is, considering Buckingham Palace has all the necessities of a small town, like a post office, doctor’s office, and movie theatre. But for the staff that work and live on the grounds, there are certain jobs and rules they may not have expected during the interview stage. The Queen is particular about her food, like banning garlic from dishes served at the palace, but she’s also particular about her beloved corgis and dorgis. Her pets have their own chefs and butlers, catering to their every need. But of course, the dogs aren’t the only one receiving royal treatment. Staff is in charge of waiting on Prince Charles’s every need, down to squeezing his toothpaste onto his toothbrush. Though some of these jobs may seem simple, everything in palace is precise, down to the position of teacups on tea trays. Even the carrot len
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