Escape from Divinity | Part 4 | LION

~you know that you have seen this all before~ Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: you are here Part 5: Eventually Part 6: Even More Eventually -The Voa’s name is Ashivon (he/him) -The ex-nun’s name is Sanga (she/her) -Their big friend is named Ahnmivah (he/him) -The nasty monk’s name is Carnius (he/him) OKAY SO you may be is this coming out two weeks after DAYS. WELL, this was originally going to be Part 3. But then I realized there needed to be a video in between to show Ash and Sanga growing used to their new home, getting stronger, etc. I didn’t want to stop working on LION, though, so I finished it and onto it while I worked on DAYS. Then once DAYS was posted, I was finally able to put the finishing touches on this one and here I am posting it! Just two more to go and YES THEY WILL HAVE A HAPPY ENDING things are just going
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