POST REALITY VISION [private parts one to three]

[March 2019, Dance Massive Festival, Dancehouse] Nana Biluš Abaffy w/ Milo Love & Geoffrey Watson This experimental choreographic work is an investigation into the reality of the body — a rapidly unfolding danse macabre unpicking the philosophical underpinnings of the aestheticised human form. The work examines the visionary body and the body as a vision, using as its inspiration the strange discovery that Michelangelo’s only known self portrait is in the form of St Bartholomew’s skin — a saint who was crucified upside down, skinned alive and beheaded. POST REALITY VISION is about the confrontation of the body vs all the un-reality we have built, presenting the body as proof that reality still exists. “Almost every drawing is covered in a welter of lines and shapes and stories whose overall decorative effect is as potent as its individual moments of virile vision… We tend to think of draftsmen as constantly paring back from their first thoughts, as finding order and fo
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