CGI Animated Short Film HD “The Last Tree “ by Glow production | CGMeetup

CGI Animated The Last Tree Short Film Glow production. Featured on The Last Tree is a cinematic Short for an upcoming project by Glow production. Set in not too distant future, trees are discovered to be the most prominent source of energy. The world has since then came to the bleakest age of war and military suppression. This film follows a girl – “Theresa” who is a member of “Preservers” which comprises a small fraction of survivors. She is being pursuit by clone troop in a deserted land because she holds an important piece of information that could determine the fate of humanity. Credits : Director : Ryan Wong Art Director : Ryan Wong & Tar Hoay Modeling & Lighting : Tar Hoay, Joycelyn Yeoh, Cheng Mun, Zharcus Lee, Leone Low, Sam Loo, Di Hang Simulation & Vfx : Voon Choon, Hee Chung Animation : Chun Yong Music & Sound : Imaginex Studio Glow production SUBSCRIBE
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