Drawing Tutorial (AVOID these 10 Beginners’ Mistakes!)

Drawing Tutorial (10 Beginners’ Mistakes!) In this video I count down to the top mistake I see beginners make when learning to draw! My ONLINE COURSES: • Check out my SHOP for paintings, prints, teaching aids and more GRAB Your Free PDF downloads: 50 Watercolor Tips for Beginners 50 things Amateurs do that Professionals never would 20 Watercolor Pencils Tips • Get extra videos and content on PATREON • Join my FACEBOOK GROUP SUBSCRIBE on YouTube – it’s Free! TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Why your brain doesn’t show you what you see 02:51 Pressing too hard with the pencil 06:38 Drawing objects tipped up 09:33 Not drawing through foreground objects 12:42 Drawing ellipses with corners 14:48 Drawing vases and cups with flat bottoms 17:25 Not taking advantage of repeating motif perspective
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