While I’m no fan of Rubio, he is partially responsible for setting off a series of events that brought me to where I am today

While I’m no fan of Rubio, he is partially responsible for setting off a series of events that brought me to where I am today. Rubio is the one who asked Victoria Nuland about US bioweapon production in Ukraine on 03/08/22, who then infamously spilled the beans about US “biological research facilities” and how she was concerned about the Russians getting their hands on their research. This moment completely disproved the media’s prior two weeks of reporting that there were no biolabs in Ukraine whatsoever, after my Twitter thread went viral and caused a massive global stir. This moment caught the media in one of its biggest lies ever told, exposed one of the Deep State’s darkest secrets, and completely vindicated me as an individual, as I was the one being crucified by the MSM for the weeks prior for accurately reporting on this subject. If Rubio doesn’t ask this question, the biolabs in Ukraine story would have stayed just a “conspiracy theory” and you all likely never would have h... Source: BioClandestine
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