The Exalted Piledriver Sex With Satan In Ottawa April 25th 2009

Shot by The PileWench ©2009 DogBite Records All rights reserved... yeah, right!!! Ha!!! It seems NOT in THIS world sonny boy... da kidz’s be digimicated now... now... a good sheep and listen to your government, no need to think or protect for yourselves anymore, stupids... so be quiet about shit, ignore the underground info, be quiet and and and go buy something and boost the economy with the cash you can make selling crumbled plastic bags you found... If i may suggest, maybe you could do it by paying for an artist’s hard and passionate works... like maybe actually purchasing a cd or paypalling a ’download’ by The Exalted Piledriver... from the Exalted Piledriver Metal Manifesto album for instance... I’m reasonably sure that iTunes and their ilk would be MORE than happy to even sell you single tracks of it for around a buck you don’t buy the intro track, you can have pretty much the whole album for 2bucks cheaper, too... check it out if you
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