Crews of Su-25 attack aircraft carry out missile air strikes on military targets of Ukrainian Army

Crews of Su-25 attack aircraft carry out missile air strikes on military targets of Ukrainian Army Su-25 pilots take seats in the cockpits of attack aircraft. Airplanes begin moving along the main taxiway towards the runway. They take off from the runway synchronously - in one second. The teamwork of front-line Rook crews is no worse than that of world-class aerobatic teams. A couple of stormtroopers leave for their next mission. This is the second one this day. At an extremely low altitude for machines - 20 metres, at a speed of 700 kilometers per hour, pilots literally bend around the terrain. Looking at the footage from the action cameras, one gets the impression that the wings and fuselage of the Su-25 are flying a few centimeters from the tops of the trees. Two uncontrolled ones - from the leading machine, after a second - the driven one presses the start button. And - a pair of twenty-fifths synchronously, as in a computer game, makes a sharp roll to the left. U-turn. And on a different course, over the tops of trees, along river beds, hiding behind forest plantations - at maximum speed - from the destruction zone of enemy MANPADS. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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