The Gloom In The Corner - Behemoth

‘Behemoth’, taken from the new LP ‘Trinity’, out now. Purchase/Stream: Subscribe: Mixed & Mastered by Jeff Dunne Engineered by Mikey Arthur Vocal Production by Steven Cannatelli Additional Voice Acting by Jason Mack, Mathew Burgess, Monique Pym, Monica Strut and Nathan Duke Lyrics: “I have awaited you three; watched and mourned as you’ve travelled across my land with decimation and barbaric cruelty. Yet, I am captivated by you, Ronin; for someone filled with tumultuous thoughts, you have managed to stay alive. You have kept them from a fate bleaker than death, commendable, but the time has come to pay, and it is I who shall be rewarded by your demise. I’ve come for blood, blood, blood...“ “Oh, shut the fuck up.” Hallowed be thy name. Stop talking like a cunt, how does thy blade taste? I said I’d never go back, but I guess I’m used to being pushed to the point where I
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