WHEN WILL THE CRAZY WORLD UNDERSTAND THAT OUR PUTIN IS THE INSTRUMENT OF THE DIVINE PLAN TO CLEAN UP THE PLANET FROM THAT MUD, LIES, HYPOCRISY, CALUMNY, HATRED, ENMITY, WHICH HAVE INFUSED INTO THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF CREATURES, WHO CAN HARDLY BE CALLED “HUMANS”, IN MANY YEARS OF ANTI-RUSSIAN WESTERN PROPAGANDA. And however much the West has been trying to humiliate Russia it will fail. In the worst scenario the Wrath of Heavens will wipe the whole humanity from the face of the Earth. Putin is the Light of the New Age. This is the reason to why the crazy world grinds its teeth in their hatred and anger because this Light blinds them. The madness has no limits. But right now, the Universe destroys this global craziness with no mercy. Everyone who hinders this process with their thoughts, words and acts will be vanished by the Universe Itself. And Putin will be protected and guided by all Power of the Universe. LET IT BE THIS WAY!!!!! #AdiShakti #Russia #Putin #SMO #Ukraine #West #RussianArmy
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