Mob Psycho 100 - Season 2 Announced [End of OVA] (January 2019)【2019年1月】

Season 2 of Mob Psycho 100 was announced at the end of the OVA. Mob Psycho 100 Reigen: Shirarezaru Kiseki no Reinouryokusha Mob Psycho 100: Reigen - The Miracle Psychic that Nobody Knows モブサイコ100 REIGEN ~知られざる奇跡の霊能力者~ For those asking about the song: The artist is called Kenji Kawai (川 井 憲 次), and the song is called “A first love’s feelings!“ (初恋の気持ち!) It can be found on the Japanese iTunes: モブサイコ100-original-soundtrack-音楽-川井憲次/1168949474 as 25 初恋の気持ち!
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