The Humanley Podcast Episode 52

Episode 52: Dr. Gaetan Chevalier - Get Grounded When was the last time your bare skin touched the earth? Have you heard of the terms “earthing“ or “grounding“? Did you know, that when a human being is disconnected from the earth, it causes an electro-chemical disturbance and pH imbalance in the body, resulting in a state of dis-ease? How could something so simplistic, like putting our feet on the ground, have such profound beneficial effects? Could grounding help with arthritis, back pain, “chronic inflammation“ and “auto-immune disease“? According do Dr. Chevalier, grounding is as essential as vitamins and minerals and refers to grounding as “vitamin G“. Join me in this fascinating episode of the Humanley podcast with Dr. Gaeten Chevalier of the Earthing Institute. Dr. Gaétan Chevalier received his Ph.D. from the University of Montreal in Atomic Physics and Laser Spectroscopy. After 4 years of research at UCLA in the field of nuclear fusion, he became professor and Director of Research at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) doing research on human physiology and electrophysiology for 10 years. Dr. Chevalier is still Research Faculty at CIHS. He is also Visiting Scholar in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD. He has conducted research on Earthing since 2003 and he has been Director of the Earthing Institute since it foundation in 2009.
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